Friday 23 August 2013

Nelson Mandela

Time line
1918 - born at Qunu
1944 - helped found the ANC youth League
1949 - Programme of Action used
1952 - Defiance Campaign
1956 -1961 Treason Trial
1960 - government banned the AN
1962 - arrested and lived in Robben Island prison 
1990 - release
1994 - 1999 President of South Africa
Turning Points
- Raise to become the chief of his local tribe after death of father
- Whilst at university, involved in politics.
- Along with good friend Oliver Tambo opened first black law in S. Africa.
- Resign from ANC, work underground.
- Charged with treason
- Advocacy of reconciliation led to international acclaim.
- Retire, continue to be an international figure. 
- Finish his degree and qualified as a lawyer.
- Received of prestigious awards.
- Nobel  Peace Prizejointly with F.W.De Klerk.